mercoledì 26 febbraio 2025

Poesia di Pia Deidda "Gli ingegneri si scelgono" tradotta in inglese

Gli ingegneri si scelgono 

Alarm clock rings
- digital mechanisms -
it's time to get up, love 

Turn on the light
- Ohm's law - 
I get up first 

I make you coffee
I put the coffee pot on the stove
- Boyle's law -

I turn on the computer 
Let's see if there's mail this morning
- binary systems 
 for cyber travel -

Stop for a moment, love 
I have to go 
Where are the car keys?
- diesel engine -

Engineers are not poets 
but they design real spaces 
where people live. 

Engineers are not artists 
but they build worlds 
both functional and rational. 

But one chooses engineers, 
eccentric partners 
always ready to remind them 
that motor rhymes with heart. 

And they marry 
bizarre poets who, 
with their flights of fantasy, 

make their meticulously built world 
a little more unpredictable. 

And one day, waking up, 
they notice 
that they themselves 
have become poetry. 

 © Pia Deidda (2007) 

 Translated into English in 2025 for the course "English with Giulia"
